GE Free New Zealand in Food & Environment, 31st January 2006

NZ Under Threat for Joining "Axis Of Evil" on Terminator

New Zealand's backing for Terminator technology at the meeting of the UN Convention on Biodiversity in Spain has seriously threatened this country's international reputation.

New Zealand has been condemned for joining an "axis of evil" with Australia, and is accused of deliberately undermining international consensus for a moratorium on sterilisation technology like "Terminator".

Reports from NGO observers at the conference in Spain says New Zealand backed Australia in lobbying for what appear to be US interests seen to be advising their representatives.

" If it is true and New Zealand is seen as supporting Terminator technology even 'on a case by case basis' we will be betraying the family of nations, and future generations," says Jon Carapiet from GE Free NZ in food and environment.

Such is the worldwide community rejection of 'Terminator' and other gene patent control techniques, that New Zealand could become the target of international boycotts of its products for undermining a global moratorium.

The international community voted to stop Terminator given concern about the deleterious consequences of sterility techniques, including ending farmers' rights to save and re-sow seed, harming insect and bird life which depend on pollen and seed for survival, and the probability that terminator genes will contaminate other genus species through inadequate segregation and
harvesting procedures. The increasing control by multinational companies of the global food supply will also have a profound effect on farmers in all countries, including New Zealand.

"New Zealand business benefit from our ' brand' values by billions of dollars, but our government's unethical backing for Terminator puts that reputation seriously at risk," says Mr Carapiet.

"Boycotts of New Zealand products would harm our economy and action is urgently needed by the government to prevent our country becoming an international pariah because of its support for Terminator."

Media contact Jon Carapiet 0210 507 681


UN Meeting Undermines Moratorium on Terminator: Goal to Approve Terminator
is Now Clear
January 28, 2006

ETC Group
Ban Terminator Campaign
News Release- 27 January 2006


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