PO Box 13402
Wellington, New Zealand

GE-Free New Zealand

in food and environment (RAGE Inc.)


Proposal to stop labelling of GM food would deny consumers basic right to know.


Consumers on both sides of the Tasman would be left in the dark under proposals to stop labelling of GMOs being canvassed by the Productivity Commission in Australia.[1]

The Commission is consulting on proposals to delete food standards applied by FSANZ in New Zealand and Australia that require labelling of GE ingredients above a one percent threshold. If adopted, the proposals would be an attack on the basic right of consumers to know when genetically engineered ingredients are used in food. Consumers would be left in the dark, and biotechnology companies like Monsanto and Bayer would force more GE food into the supply chain under the cover of the information blackout.

"The vast majority of consumers want and expect labelling of GE ingredients, and demand the right to know," said Jon Carapiet, spokesman for GE-free NZ.

FSANZ established labelling in the1990s in response to widespread consumer pressure not to allow hidden GE ingredients to creep into the food supply.

GE-Free NZ has written to FSANZ to question New Zealand�s stance on the proposals. New Zealand operates under trans-Tasman rules that would require a break away from the Australian standards if consumer rights are to be protected.


[1] Productivity Commission draft report http://www.pc.gov.au/inquiries/current/agriculture/draft/agriculture-draft-overview.pdf


Jon Carapiet 0210507681

Claire Bleakley 027 348 6731

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