GE Free
New Zealand in Food & Environment, 02nd August
2005 New Wave of GE Trials Must Not Sideline Public The approval on May 27th 2005 of AgResearch's Lactoferrin GE Cow embryo's
into containment signals the beginning of a new wave of hearings from ERMA.
But the public must not be cut out of the decision-making process or the $6 ERMA's standing approval GMD 02028 only allows for scientific knowledge gained from the production, development and first generation of progeny. It does not allow for the generation of products like biopharmaceuticals. In the approval ERMA explicitly did not consider the 'down stream' benefits or costs , because they saw GMD 02028 was for scientific development not commercial production. The application was accepted by ERMA as a valid use of tax payers money because of the expertise that could be gained in the biotechnology area of New Zealand science. The approval dates back to 2002 when AgResearch applied for a generic
approval to develop and use GE techniques to further New Zealand scientific
expertise. ERMA gave approval for AgResearch to develop in containment
genetically modified cattle expressing functional therapeutic foreign
proteins in their milk. The GE cattle would be modified with genes from
cattle, sheep, goat, deer, human or mice. Agresearch scientists would then
be able to study gene function and genetic performance. The development
would span 3-4 years where inheritance and protein-expression would be However as it was not a field test and AgResearch expressly said they would not study the effects on the environment. Despite this, their last 'contained field test' spanned 100 acres. There are two components to an experiment: an initial laboratory phase where
the embryo's are created, thereby gaining the GE expertise and IP. Then the
outdoor phase follows, where the grown animals are milked to see if the But there have been 8 animal milk trials over the years and all have failed, with no scientific explanation has been published on the reasons. It is wrong to use a flawed previous approval for scientific research to permit a very different commercial project to proceed and thus avoid the wider issues that it is ERMA's duty to consider. "We have to stop now and review this process," says Claire Bleakley of GE
Free (NZ) in food and environment The manipulations cause animal suffering,
deformities and ill health. The lack of soil and water testing compound the Without a proper review and analysis of the down-stream impacts, New
Zealand's marketing position could also be severely harmed. Federated
Farmers have made it clear that our GE-free status is vital to our export The manipulation of the regulatory process to exploit a loophole in a previous approval is irresponsible and it is wrong for a CRI to create a GE product that may also avoid clinical trials. "The process is ethically and morally bankrupt," says Claire Bleakely."
Until proper scientific reports have identified and documented the reasons
into the previous GE failures, and the ethical and long-term commercial ENDS Claire Bleakley (06) 3089842 Jon Carapiet 0210 507 681