GE Free New Zealand in Food & Environment,
4th November 2003 Organic food production could be forced out of existence A study promoting the idea of co-existence of GE and non-GE crops may signal that the biotech industry intends to force organic production out of existence- or at least force it inside. The proposals made in a new study in Spain are ironic given the decision in New Zealand to allow release of GE organisms outside of the lab: if the study's conclusions are to be believed organic production may be forced " into the lab" to maintain its purity from GE contamination. "The study claims organic farmers are being too hard on GE and should accept some contamination. But unlike "temporary" chemical contamination that lasts a single generation GE contamination is irreversible and inheritable, "says Jon Carapiet, from GE Free NZ in food and environment. The cost of all food that is GE-free- and which the majority of consumers around the world are demanding- will rocket beyond the reach of most people if the mainstream food supply continues to be contaminated by GE step by step. The Researchers claim that if farmers feel current practices are not sufficient to ensure the non-GM integrity of their crop, it should be up to them to implement any further measures. But the threat to conventional and organic crops from GE contamination is a scientific, environmental economic and consumer-rights issue. New Zealand can benefit enormously form maintaining our GE-free positioning for food, and it also preserves the right for all people to eat GE-free food- whether conventionally or organically grown. It is immoral for the biotech industry to suggest either farmers and the public accept GE contamination or grow their crops in such confined environments that " ordinary food" ends up having to be produced in a lab-type containment facility and is unaffordable to most. Biotech companies whose GE products contaminate other crops or food products must be held liable. Monsanto's RR soy that has already recently led to a prosecution of a New Zealand food manufacturer. Monsanto, the Life Sciences Network, and other biotech groups must protect the rights of the world's people to eat GE-free food as we have for all history. To deny that right and allow the spread of patented artificial gene constructs is an act of global terrorism that must be prosecuted. Contact Jon Carapiet 09 815 3370 Back to Press Release Directory |