GE Free
New Zealand in Food & Environment, 11th May
"Catch 22" As Trans-Tasman Authority Blocks Information
Trans-Tasman authorities based in Australia have created a "Catch
22" situation where NZ laws on Freedom of Information do not
apply but Section 15 of the Australian code blocks New Zealand's
access to the information.
GE Free NZ wrote to FSANZ under the Oficial Information Act for
the safety data and assessments on Bt10 which has contaminated corn
exports from the US. We were told that the Official Information
NZ did not apply to FSANZ Authority and to apply under the Freedom
of Information Act (Australia).
Now after five letters, this application has been refused under
a legal technicality that sets an alarming precident. The Authorities
say that under "section 15" of the Australian Code information
cannot be released to a request from a New Zealand Address, only
an Australian one.
"It is astonishing that the Australian-dominated authority
have resorted to Section 15 of their Freedom of Information Act
to refuse New Zealand enquries. It claims to be trans-Tasman but
at the same time they say our standards don't apply, " says
Clare Bleakley from GE Free NZ in food and environment.
This loophole must be closed and access to information properly
The blocking tactics are an example of an alarming loss of public
access to information arising from Australian -based regulators.
The situation demands intervention and action by the New Zealand
"FSANZ is acting illegally in blocking this information. At
the same time as creating this secrecy they are refusing to act
over the illegal presence of GE Bt10 corn " says Claire Bleakley
"It is a very serious issue if the Trans Tasman Agencies refuse
access to information to a sovereign nation they are supposed to
Claire Bleakley (06) 3089842
Jon Carapiet 0210507681
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