GE Free New Zealand in Food &
Environment, 11th December 2003 Fear of Sell-out Over Country of Origin Labelling There are fears that a confidential meeting in Auckland of Australian and New Zealand food Ministers could sell both nations short by opposing rather than promoting clear country-of-origin labelling. Despite the obvious benefits for exporters in both countries of being able to leverage "clean green" credentials overseas through identifying the "country of origin" as New Zealand or Australia, the global agenda to promote free trade could see ministers making decisions that undermine such labelling. " We already have signs that the New Zealand's government is willing to back free trade at the price of people�s basic rights. Our additional fear is that New Zealand exporters will be hampered by the desire to prevent full country-of-origin labelling," says Jon Carapiet, from GE Free NZ in food and environment. "Just as labelling GE-free can be a valuable marketing difference, so too is the name "New Zealand". People have the right to know where food ingredients come from, but this may be denied if ministers decide it hampers their free trade ambitions, especially with the US." "New Zealand is already party to the US push to force GM food into Europe. A rejection of full country of origin labelling would be an outright betrayal of our national interests and our values" says Jon Carapiet. The Australia New Zealand Food Regulation Ministerial Council oversees everything to do with food, from irradiation to GE ingredients and labelling. The secret and closed-door meeting is to be held at the Auckland Hyatt on Friday 12th December. Jon Carapiet 09 815 3370 Back to Press Release Directory Reference The council oversees everything to do with food, from irradiation to GE
ingredients to labelling to how food is manufactured and what is in it.
New Zealand is represented by Food Safety Minister Annette King and is
entitled to just one vote on the 10-member council. �Officials will only
confirm that the agenda for the meeting is confidential, all papers and
discussions relating to the meeting are confidential and that any communication the Council chooses to make will be made in the form of an
advisory after the meeting,� said Ms Kedgley the Green Food Safety spokesperson. |