GE Free
New Zealand in Food & Environment, 25th May
GE Lollies Given away to Kids Angers Parents
A Parent alarmed that a local shop has been giving away South-African
made lollies to his children has complained to GE Free NZ and promted
concerns over their GE content.
FIZZER lollies have been imported from South Africa by Beacon Sweets
and Chocolates in Petone and contain genetically modified soy protein
that triggers the 1% labelling threshold. The proprietor says that
he only gives the sweets away to his South African customers but
other ethnicities have recieved the 'free" GE sweets which
has angered parents.
The concern arises both from the ethics of any such " giveaway
" to kids but also because the label does not specify the source
of the Genetically Modified soy which may not be from an officially
approved GE product examined through the FSANZ process.
" The FSANZ process is deeply flawed but arguably better than
nothing. In this case no testing may have been done and it could
be an illegal GM ingredient as we have seen with the illegal importation
of Bt10," says Claire Bleakely from GE Free NZ in food and
"Scientists are identifying major health concerns over the
safety of GE foods," says Clare. " To date their are still
no diagnostic tests to gauge the adverse effects, so we can only
rely on the animal studies which have indicated that blood disorders
and organ changes occur when GE foods are ingested".
Parents also point out that young children are not able to read
the print when handed a lolly. It can be highly embarassing when
parents try to stop our child from eating the "free" give
Food retailers should not be acting in this way and if they refuse
to stop should at least have their "free" give-always
clearly labelled for GE ingredients and offered to parents first
so they can read the labels and decide for themesleves if they want
their children to ingest it.
Claire Bleakley (06) 3089842
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